Thursday, July 5, 2012
Print Message using user defined procedure
create procedure print_line (
string_in IN VARCHAR2,
) as
for i in 1 .. ceil(length(string_in)/split_in) loop
end loop;
create or replace public synonym put_line for put_line;
grant execute on put_line to public;
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Continue Statement
e.g. Addition of odd numbers.
total BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
FOR i in 1..10 LOOP
IF MOD(i/2) = 0 THEN
SUM = SUM + i;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sum of odd numbers is '|| sum );
Saturday, April 21, 2012
PL/ SQL Optimization
PL/ SQL Optimizer
Oracle 10g introduced a new PL/SQL optimization feature to optimize the PL/SQL code by rearranging codes for better performance. PLSQL optimizer do this for you. Optimizer is enabled by default for interpreted p-code and native compilation. The default value for the optimizer is set to 2 but it can be unset or modify compiler aggressiveness.
PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 0 no optimization
PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 1 moderate optimize may leave unused code and exception
PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 2 Aggressive optimize may rearrange source code flow
ALTER PROCEDURE procedure_01 COMPILE plsql_optimizer_level =1;
ALTER PROCEDURE procedure_02 COMPILE reuse settings;
Subprogram Inlining
Subprogram inlining replaces a subprogram invocation from the copy of invoked subprogram. To allow subprogram inlining invoking set PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL to 2 (default value) or set it to 3. Subprogram inlining can also be done by using Pragma INLINE. PRAGMA INLINE can enable or disable subprogram inlining.
PRAGMA INLINE (subprogram, YES); # enable subprogram inlining
PRAGMA INLINE (subprogram, NO); # disable subprogram inlining
Candidates for Tuning
- Older code that does not take advantage of new PL/SQL language features.
- Older dynamic SQL statements written with the
package. -
Code that spends much time processing SQL statements.
Functions invoked in queries, which might run millions of times.
Code that spends much time looping through query results.
Code that does many numeric computations.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Unix Commands
Command | Description |
passwd | Change user password |
pwd | Print current directory |
cd | Change directory |
ls | List of the file in the directory |
Wildcards | * matches any number of characters, ? matches a single character |
file | Print the type of file |
cat | Display the contents of a file |
pr | Display the contents of a file |
pg or page | Display the contents of a file one page at a time |
more | Display the contents of a file one page at a time |
clear | Clear the screen |
cp or copy | Copy a file |
chown | Change the owner of a file |
chgrp | Change the group of a file |
chmod | Change file modes, permissions |
rm | Remove a file from the system |
mv | Rename the file |
mkdir | Create a directory |
rmdir | Remove a directory |
grep | Pattern Matching |
egrep | Grep command with extended regular expression |
find | Used to locate files or directories |
date | Display the system date and time |
echo | Write strings to standard output |
sleep | Execution halts for the specified number of seconds |
wc | Count the number of words, lines, and characters in a file |
head | View the top of a file |
tail | View the end of a file |
diff | Compare two files |
sdiff | Compare two files side by side (requires 132-character display) |
spell | Spell checker |
lp, lpr, enq, qprt | Print a file |
lpstat | Status of system print queues |
enable | Enable, or start, a print queue |
disable | Disable, or stop, a print queue |
cal | Display a calendar |
who | Display information about users on the system |
whoami | Display $LOGNAME or $USER environment parameter |
who am i | Display login name, terminal, login date/time, and where logged in |
talk | Two users have a split screen conversation |
write | Display a message on a user’s screen |
wall | Display a message on all logged-in users’ screens |
rwall | Display a message to all users on a remote host |
rsh or remsh | Execute a command, or log in, on a remote host |
df | File system statistics |
ps | Information on currently running processes |
netstat | Show network status |
vmstat | Show virtual memory status |
iostat | Show input/output status |
uname | Name of the current operating system, as well as machine Information |
sar | System activity report |
basename | Base filename of a string parameter |
man | Display the on-line reference manual |
su | Switch to another user, also known as super-user |
cut | Write out selected characters |
awk | Programming language to parse characters |
sed | Programming language for character substitution |
vi | Start the vi editor |
emacs | Start the emacs editor |
Different type of shell to declare
#!/usr/bin/ksh OR #!/bin/ksh Declares a Korn shell
#!/usr/bin/csh OR #!/bin/csh Declares a C shell
#!/usr/bin/bash OR #!/bin/bash Declares a Bourne-Again shell
Friday, January 6, 2012
Full table scans
The oracle optimizer uses full table scan in one of the following condition:
Lack of Index : if query is unable to use the existing index, optimiser uses a full table scan ( unless a ROWID filter or cluster access path is available).
Large amount of data with low selectivity
Small table : A table which contains less than DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_COUNT_READ blocks under high water mark. Full table is good for small tables.
Full Table Hints: If table is using FULL table hint.
High Degree of parallelism : Because of high degree parallelism optimizer uses full table scan over range scan.For more information on Degree of parallelism refer ALL_TABLES.
External Table
Oracle External Table External tables are defined as tables that do not resides in the database allows you to access data that is stor...
Table clustering is an optional technique of storing data. In table clustering, rows from one or more tables those are associated with ea...
Oracle PL/SQL block accepts user input information with the help of substitution variable. Substitute variable can not be used to output va...
Finally continue statement added to oracle 11g PL/SQL language. It signals an immediate end to a loop iteration and return to first statemen...